Coming Back To My Own

My Unit 3 Interior Design materials arrived a few weeks ago....EXCITING!! This unit focuses on Furniture Layout and Fabrics much more enjoyable for me.

I've already completed most of the text books so this unit should go much faster than the last, which honestly wasn't my favorite at all.  I guess since it dealt with numbers...not my strong suit, but nonetheless I completed it and in the process learned a lot of material.  What remains now is to watch a DVD and complete the project designs for this unit and then on to Unit 4!Some good things to report since I last wrote:Sleep has gotten much better for me...i'm actually getting some rest now!, which has helped my mood tremendously.  Another major step....I've joined a support group for burn survivors and their families, which is helping.  It is comforting to be able to communicate with another parent that has gone through a similar experience and finally hear them utter the same feelings that i've been dealing with.  This month will be 1 year since Landon's burn accident. (what a year it has been) So in short, i'm really excited to see how this connection unfolds.Some projects in the making:-Finish decorating the boys' room.Displaying their artwork, maybe some new curtains...or i can just paint some old ones that I have stored away...yes i said paint!  My creative juices are flowing once again. :-)-Redecorate Sereena's 15 she's outgrown the princess now onto a chic Paris theme.  Since cash is limited, I will be scavanging the thrift stores and garage sales for some fabulous finds to bring back to life....nothing that some sand paper and paint can't fix.  She'll fall in love after the transformation.   I'm thinking black sophisticated! I'll post pics once I'm done.What I've been feeling lately is motivated and more like my old self again.  It's a relief since this is the person that I remember and want to connect with again.  Slowly, but surely I'm coming alive and back to my own!!Follow Your Passion and Find Inner Peace!!!