Ease on Down The Road

It's been awhile since I last wrote.  I've been very busy lately with juggling my new job and starting a business along with the kids and hubby, but it all feels great this time around...not overwhelming, which is a great feeling. I've been waiting for my Unit 4 Lesson to arrive in the mail for some time.  I found out today that the school is reshipping the lesson plan since it should've arrived weeks ago.  Anyway, I've kept myself busy with working on my To Do List.So here's the status as of today.....-Register my Biz Name Finally registering my business name with the county clerk's office tomorrow via mail!  Extremely scared, but I will move passed it.-Finish my business plan-Meet with an attorney for advice on possible trademarking issues (and yes there was an issue with the business name that I wanted, so change of plans...new name)-Order biz cards-Update my homeowner's insurance policy to cover my home business-Open a biz bank account-Set up a biz phone line or perhaps an answering service (I found an affordable vendor, Freedom Voice whose forwarding service also includes a fax line all for $9.95 mon)-Continue to source web design services (perhaps I can find a student or intern who can take on building my website??; I don't like any of the free templates out there-quality reflects professionalism)-Purchase a Design and Accounting Software (until I can afford to purchase software, I'm playing around with Google's Sketch Up for some practice---it's FREE so why not? and me loves FREE!)-Finalize pricing of services-Finalize a mission statement-Brainstorm logo ideas Logo Finalized!-Continue to work on a list of store resources (furniture, home accessories, rugs, etc)Some more items that I'm working on for the ever growing TO DO list:-Marketing (I'm also thinking about registering for a marketing course at FIT.  They'll help me with drafting a marketing plan, which is really time consuming.  So I've decided to reach out for some help.  Although it is a night course, it's worth the inconvenience.)-PO Box Rental (Priced at $76/yr) I've been a busy bee, but things are really moving along and I couldn't be more excited.  I would've never thought a year ago that I would be on the path to realizing my dream.  Back then, I never thought that it would be possible, but once you start to take baby steps, you realize that you are walking down the path of realizing your dreams!  So exciting!!Follow Your Passion and Find Inner Peace!!!