8 Tips To Maximize Your Decorating Budget


It can be so exciting to start on the journey of decorating your room, but before you go dunking in head first, I want to make sure that you are all schooled with the 411 on budgeting.Decorating is not cheap (if you're wondering what it really costs to decorate a room, click here to read this post), but that doesn't mean that you can't maximize your decorating budget to the fullest because at the end of the day, you're my girl and I take care of my people.Maximize Your Decorating Budget: It can be so exciting to start on the journey of decorating your room, but before you go dunking in head first, I want to make sure that you are all schooled with the 411 on budgeting. Decorating is not cheap, but that doesn't mean that you can't maximize your decorating budget to the fullest because at the end of the day, you're my girl and I take care of my people. Click through to read the interior design tips.The first thing that we have to finalize and sort out is your budget.  Figure out what you're working with. Is it $500, $1000, $10,00, whatever it is, decide and stick to it.  Oh and be realistic with yourself (please).You can keep track of your budget on a spreadsheet (Google drive is my fav since you can access it from your phone) this way if you see something in a store that's on your list, you can plug in the price of the item on your spreadsheet and the price will automatically deduct from your total budget amount.  This way, you'll always have your most up to date balance with you.Now that that's out of the way, let's talk all about how to get the most out of your decorating budget so that you can really stretch your hard earned money and make it work for you.

Maximize Your Decorating Budget: #1 Make a Wish List

We need to get you organized so let's dump it all out and put your wish list on paper or electronically if you're more into the digital stuff (I'm a paper and pen kind of girl when it comes to brain dumping).  When I mean all of it, I really mean all of it.  So write down your entire wish list (even if you can't afford half the stuff, just write it down) this way we can start eliminating things later (more on that in a bit).[magicactionbox id="8724"]

Maximize Your Decorating Budget: #2 Be Realistic

Now that everything is out of your head and on paper, let's look at your list with realistic eyes.  Go down your list and cross things out that are just not within your budget ( I mean really out of your budget ). Now, I'm not saying to get them out of your mind completely, I'm just saying that for your budget right now, it just ain't happening, but that doesn't mean that later down the road, it won't be a possibility.

Maximize Your Decorating Budget: #3 Invest In The Things That Matter

There are things that you will be using for years and years to come.  That can be a sofa, bed, dining table or even a rug.  They're usually items in your room that get the most use so it makes sense to spend more money on these items since they'll be getting a beat down from me.And let me tell you, sofas can be e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e (good quality ones at least).  Click here to read how I break down the TRUE cost of decorating a room.  So yeah, you can decorate a room for $500 bucks, but I highly doubt that you're going to find anything high quality for that price unless you score big at an estate sale.  Click here to read all about how you can score big at an estate sale.

Maximize Your Decorating Budget: #4 Go Cheap On The Small Stuff

And what I mean by the small stuff are accessories like your throw pillows, picture frames, vases, etc. especially since a lot of your budget is going on the big ticket items.  This is kind of a no brainer and a smart way to really make your budget go a long way.[magicactionbox id="8724"]

Maximize Your Decorating Budget: #5 Stay Focused Yet Understanding

I know just how easy it can be to get side tracked and blow your decorating budget, which is why you should believe when I tell you to stay focused man (in my best Jay Z voice lol).  You'll thank me for it later.And when I say to be understanding, I mean know that unplanned things will happen such as delivery charges or even supplies for let's say a DIY project that you decided to try out (Pinterest can really suck you in-I know, so no judgements here).Supplies cost money and the money to pay for those supplies are going to come out of somewhere and what I mean by somewhere is your decorating budget so, keep it real with yourself and account for the mishaps.  This way, you won't feel down and out when you realize that you've gone over budget.

There You Have It!

My tips to help you maximize your decorating budget so that you can create that room of your dreams.  Now if you’re still feeling stuck with decorating your space & need one on one help to transform your room from boring into a room that you never want to leave, then hit me up here girl.