4 Must Have Pieces That I Use In My Space To Lift My Mood

It's funny how I've been feeling called to talk about mental health lately and I just noticed how May is #mentalhealthawarenessmonth so the timing is perfect to get into and talk all about self care and wellness.

Look, life can get crazy at times.  We all have a lot going on from kids, to work, to bills, to partners and running businesses (just to name a few), so it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and even down and out.

You're not alone.Whenever I feel the everyday things in life becoming too much for me and notice my mood start to dwindle, there are a few must have pieces that I use in my space to lift my mood and they work like a charm.I wanted to share these with you in the case the roller coaster of life that you ride is similar to mine.

At the end of the day, we all want to come home to and live in a space that makes us feel happy.  This is the reason I'm so passionate about home decor because our environment really does affect our mental health and if our home environment makes us feel good then that affects our well being including our mental health.

Because when all is said and done, home decor really isn't about pretty furniture and paint colors.  It isn't.  It's about feeling at peace in your home.So let me share what I use in my home to lift my mood.

MUST HAVE PIECES THAT I USE IN MY SPACE TO LIFT MY MOOD: Look, life can get crazy at times. We all have a lot going on from kids, to work, to bills, to partners and running businesses (just to name a few), so it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and e…

Must Have Pieces That I Use In My Space To Lift My Mood: Crystals

I'm going to confess and finally admit that I am a crystal addict.  I can't get enough of crystals and that's because I love how they make me and my space feel.  My favorite crystal shop, Rocky's Crystals and Minerals, is close by to where I live, which is both a good and a bad thing because every time I go there (even to so call "look around") I end up giving them ALL my money, but it's all worth it because I come out feeling so relaxed every time, without fail.  I can't describe it, but if you're ever in Montclair, NJ, go check out the store for yourself.  You're welcome.

Crystals absorb energy and are used for so many different things like manifestation, healing, protection, balance and so many other things.  Some crystals are even used in technology like cell phones and computers.  I won't dive deep into them, I'll leave that to the experts, but if it's something you're drawn to or curious about, check out this book here or my home girl, Vida out here.

I have crystals everywhere in my home, but the ones that I keep in the living room are: Black Tourmaline for protection from negative energy, Clear Quartz to amplify my other crystals, Lepidolite to ease my anxiety and keep my home calm and relaxed, Rose Quartz to welcome love and healing into my home, Selinite to cleanse my space and Amethyst for manifestation.  I grab some for my morning meditations depending on the energy and vibration I want to feel most.  I have to say that my life has changed since I've started using crystals.  I can't put it into words, but all I can say is that when I'm having an off day and my mood isn't right, I grab my crystals and hold onto them for awhile and just feel their energy and I instantly feel my mood change.  Powerful, I know.

Must Have Pieces That I Use In My Space To Lift My Mood: Candles

I find candles to be so soothing especially the scented ones.  My go to candles were always the ones from Bath and Body Works (I know, I'm so picky).  My favorite was their Black Sands candle, but they don't carry it anymore.  I'm still pissed at them for that because their other candles don't even come close.  I love a musky, tobacco type scent for my candles and those are hard to find (at least the good ones are), but I must say that I have found another favorite.

My girl, Teri Johnson owns an online candle shop, The Harlem Candle Company, which was inspired by her love of the Harlem Renaissance era and all of her candles are the bomb, but she has one candle in particular that I can't get enough of, the Langston candle, inspired by Langston Hughes of course.  It's full of amber, sandalwood and other musky and sweet aromas like Jasmine so please believe when I tell you that it smells sooooo good and lasts so long (80 hours to be exact).  As soon as I light up my candle, my mood and aura switch up real quick.  Thank you Teri!

Must Have Pieces That I Use In My Space To Lift My Mood: Plants

I just started welcoming plants into my home or should I say a plant.  I got my first one last week and I must say proudly that it hasn't died on me yet! I stayed away from plants for a long time because I could never seem to keep them alive (you can read more about that here). 

Maybe my aura was bad for them?  Who knows, but I've been doing a lot of self healing work lately and have released a lot of old baggage so maybe that's why this one is still sticking with me?  But I say that to say that I've always heard people say how good plants are for the home and they were right.I've noticed that when I get home and look at my plant, I instantly feel calm. 

I don't know what it is.  Maybe it's because I love nature (trees, grass and the beach) and it reminds me of the outdoors?  Whatever it is, my plant instantly lifts my mood. Oh and my son Landon named the plant, Vine Vinny or something like that.  I have to ask him for the name again.  I just thought it was so cute.

Must Have Pieces That I Use In My Space To Lift My Mood: Sage/Palo Santo

One of the things that I do when I get home from being out and about is cleanse myself, my kids and our home with either sage or palo santo.  We come in contact with so many different people, personalities and vibes (good and bad) that it's easy to bring home negative energy or at least for me because I'm an Empath.  That's why cleansing is something that I always do and I use either sage or palo santo to do this. 

I like the smell of palo santo better than sage (it takes me back to when we use to go to Sunday mass when I was little and the priest would walk around spreading the smoke in some brass looking thing - Catholics please don't judge! lol )  Anyways both are used to clear negative energy and some say remove bacteria from the home.  All I know is that it works so I'm sticking with it.  My husband hates the smell of both, but I love it!  Its' funny because after I cleanse our home, he automatically busts out his incense to cover it up (that's how much he hates the smell).  I know, he's so extra.

Back to the home decor.  You see for me home decor is self care.  This is the reason I get so much joy with helping people transform their room and allow them to feel happy in their space.  It's really life changing for the both of us. Maybe I've inspired you by sharing my must have pieces that I use in my space to lift my mood so much that you'll incorporate one of these into your home if you haven't already.  Whatever the case, I want to hear all about it so don't be shy and leave me a comment below.