What Went Down In Home Decor in 2016 and What's Up for 2017


Didn't 2016 just fly by?  I still can't get over that it's now 2017!  Crazy right?!2016 was a beautiful year over at RedoYourRoomOnline.com!  I was able to connect with so many of you, not only help you with your room, but get to know you and that was cool as shit!WHAT WENT DOWN IN HOME DECOR and what to expect in 2017I'm thankful that you take time out of your busy day to stop by and check me out and for that I can't say thank you enough!  Gracias! (that deserves a bilingual version lol)Just to bring you down memory lane for a bit, I wanted to recap 2016 for you by putting together all of the blog posts that you made popular in the year - yeah you and for that, you are the bomb diggidy!  It also feels reassuring to know that I'm not alone and that you guys are actually reading my stuff :-)So here we go chicas, the links to the most popular blog posts of what went down in Home Decor in 2016 for RedoYourRoomOnline.com ...Don't Believe These 6 Lies HGTV Tells You4 Things You Should Never Do When Decorating Your RoomAvoid A Disaster: How To Choose The Right Chandelier For Your RoomHow To Decorate a Room With Accessories Without Overdoing ItDecorating With Kids - Yup, It's PossibleNow that we went down memory lane and went over what went down in home decor in 2016, let's chat some more about what's to come in 2017.You're going to see a lot more of me in 2017.  What I mean by that, is that we've been connecting mainly through my blog and if you're on my list, we connect on the weekly, but I want to rock the boat just a bit in 2017.I'm going to dabble in live video (gosh let's all brace ourselves for the blooper moments lol!).  So, I'll be on Facebook live on Friday's at 8p EST starting this week, so if you're on Facebook, then come say what up here and here so that you can catch me when I go live.  I may branch out into Instagram Live, we'll see, but for now, I'll be on FB live.So what's in it for you in case you're thinking because I get it, you're busy?  Home decor tips, some DIY projects and maybe a sneak behind the scenes peak of me running my biz while on mommy duty oh and let's not forget the blooper moments lol!Thanks for being on this journey with me and here's to 2017!  Can't wait to see you with me on Facebook here and here!